kuda.ai | code. guitar. life.


Hello there, thank you so much for visiting my website. Please say hi by writing me an email to hello at [website domain].

My name is David, I am a self-taught software engineer. I love my job, and I love music and guitar. On this website, I will share my passion with the world.

I was born and raised in Switzerland nearby Zurich. In 2018 I graduated in Business Communications from HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich.

In 2019, I moved to Berlin. Berlin has a vibrant tech scene and inspired me to learn computer programming. I came here for my then-girlfriend now-wife. We both are buddhists, we practice tibetan buddhist meditation. We are parents to two wonderful girls.

I will use this website to share my thoughts mainly on computers and programming, and maybe a few things on guitar and life, too.

Why I am starting this blog:

  • Bring value to the world, or at least to those in the world who share the same interests as I do.
  • Writing makes things clear and obvious. It's effective to process and structure life.
  • To have a space to create things, as I like creating things.
  • Get better at web development, experiment, and tinker with technology.
  • Because I enjoy writing.
  • Sometimes I find things very useful myself so I want to have a reference to it that I can also easily share.